Home Punktestand Punktestand Punktekonto auswählen: Überblick Default Filter: ----------- Unbekannt Barde Hauptmann Jäger Kundiger Schurke Wächter Waffenmeister Runenbewahrer Hüter Beorninger ----------- Schwere Rüstung Mittlere Rüstung Leichte Rüstung ----------- Raidgruppe 1. Runde Raidgruppe 2. Runde Raidgruppe Alle Runden Raidgruppe Nicht dabei Raidgruppe tmp Zeige inaktive Charaktere Zeige versteckte Charaktere Zeige Twinks LeaderboardLeaderboard auswählen: Default BardeLitmara0.00Riordan0.00 HauptmannPaladir0.00Aureah0.00 SchurkeLumfohil0.00Plinto0.00 WaffenmeisterBarohir0.00Farcho0.00Hailee0.00 RunenbewahrerJinja0.00 HüterZadda0.00 BeorningerVigbee0.00 Überblick Name Level Rang Status Klasse Typ Ereignisse: Annùminas: GlinghantAnnùminas: Ost ElendilAnnùminas: Haudh ValandilFornost: Wrath of WaterFornost: Wrath of EarthFornost: Wrath of FireFornost: Wrath of ShadowGreat Barrow: The MazeGreat Barrow: ThadúrGreat Barrow: SambrogHelegrod: Dragon WingHelegrod: Drake WingHelegrod: Giant WingHelegrod: Spider WingOther instances: Halls of NightsOther instances: Inn of the ForsakenOther instances: Library of Tham MírdainOther instances: School at Tham MírdainIsengard: The Tower of OrthancIsengard: The FoundryIsengard: Dargnákh UnleashedIsengard: Pits of IsengardIsengard: Fangorn's EdgeIsengard: Draigoch's LairLimlight Gorge: Roots of FangornSkirmish (defensive): Ford of BruinenSkirmish (defensive): Siege of GondamonSkirmish (defensive): Stand at Amon SúlSkirmish (defensive): Defence of The Prancing PonySkirmish (defensive): Protectors of ThangúlhadSkirmish (defensive): Battle of the Deep-WaySkirmish (defensive): Battle of the Way of SmithsSkirmish (defensive): Battle of the Twenty-first HallSkirmish (offensive): Trouble in TuckboroughSkirmish (offensive): Strike against DannanglorSkirmish (offensive): Breaching the Nocromancer's GateSkirmish (offensive): Assault on the Ringwraiths' LairSkirmish (offensive): The Battel in the TowerSkirmish (offensive): Thievery and MischiefSkirmish (offensive): Rescue in Núrz GháshuSkirmish (offensive): The Icy CrevasseSkirmish (offensive): Attack At DawnSkirmish (offensive): Storm on MethedrasSkirmish (survival): Barrow-downsAngmar: Carn DúmAngmar: UrugarthAngmar: Barad GularanAngmar: The Rift of Núrz GháshuDol Guldur: Barad GuldurDol Guldur: Sammath GúlDol Guldur: Warg-pens of Dol GuldurDol Guldur: Dungeons of Dol GuldurDol Guldur: Sword-hall of Dol GuldurGarth Agarwen: FortressGarth Agarwen: ArboretumGarth Agarwen: BarrowsIn Their Absence: Ost DunothIn Their Absence: Sári-SurmaIn Their Absence: Lost TempleIn Their Absence: The Northcotton FarmIn Their Absence: StoneheightLothlórien: Dár NarbugudLothlórien: Halls of CraftingLothlórien: The Mirror-halls of Lumul-narLothlórien: The Water Wheels: Nalá-dúmMoria: The Vile MawMoria: FilikulMoria: The Grand StairMoria: SkúmfílMoria: The Forges of Khazad-dúmMoria: Fil GashanMoria: Dark DelvingMoria: The Sixteenth HallMoria: The Forgotten TreasuryGoblins Town: Goblin-town Throne RoomSkirmish (12)Skirmish (6)Skirmish (3)Summer: Boss from the Vaults: ThrângSummer: The Perfect PicnicYule: Boss from the Vaults: StorvâgûnYule: The Battle of ForstbluffRoad to Erebor: Flight to Lonely MountainRoad to Erebor: Iorbar's PeakRoad to Erebor: Seat of the Great GoblinRoad to Erebor: The Battle for EreborRoad to Erebor: The Bell of DaleRoad to Erebor: The Fires of SmaugRoad to Erebor: Webs of the ScuttledellsEpic Battles: Helms DikeEpic Battles: Deeping WallEpic Battles: Deeping CoombEpic Battles: Glittering CavesEpic Battles: The HornburgEpic Battles: Retaking PelargirEpic Battles: The Defence of Minas TirithEpic Battles: Hammer of the UnderworldOsgiliath: Sunken LabyrinthOsgiliath: The Dome of StarsOsgiliath: The Ruined CityBattle of the Pelennor Fields: Blood of the Black SerpentBattle of the Pelennor Fields: The Quays of the HarlondBattle of the Pelennor Fields: The Silent StreetBattle of the Pelennor Fields: Throne of the Dread TerrorPlateau of Gorgoroth: The Court of SeregostPlateau of Gorgoroth: The Dungeons of NaerbandPlateau of Gorgoroth: The Abyss of MordathGrey Mountains: Caverns of ThrumfallGrey Mountains: GlimmerdeepGrey Mountains: Thikil-gundunGrey Mountains: The Anvild of WinterstithGladdenmere: The Depths of Kidzuhl-kâlahMinas Morgul: Eithl Gwaur, the Filth-wellMinas Morgul: Gath Daeroval, the Shadow-roostMinas Morgul: Gorthad Nûr, the Deep-barrowMinas Morgul: The Harrowing of MorgulMinas Morgul: Bâr Nírnaeth, the Houses of LamentationMinas Morgul: Ghashan-kútot, the Hall of Black LoreMinas Morgul: The Fallen KingsMinas Morgul: Remmorchant, the Net of DarknessWar of Three Peaks: Amdân Dammul, the Bloody ThresholdWar of Three Peaks: Shakalush, the Stair BattleOther instances: Askâd-mazal, the Chamber of ShadowsJUST4FUNMoria: Fall of Khazad-dûmDefault Jinja 130 Default Runenbewahrer Main 0.00 Paladir 130 Default Hauptmann Main 0.00 Farcho 130 Default Waffenmeister Main 0.00 Litmara 130 Default Barde Main 0.00 Barohir 130 Default Waffenmeister Main 0.00 Lumfohil 130 Default Schurke Main 0.00 Plinto 130 Default Schurke Main 0.00 Riordan 0 Default Barde Main 0.00 Aureah 0 Default Hauptmann Main 0.00 Zadda 130 Default Hüter Main 0.00 Hailee 130 Default Waffenmeister Main 0.00 Vigbee 130 Default Beorninger Main 0.00 ... 12 Einträge gefunden Vergleiche Charaktere
Punktestand Punktekonto auswählen: Überblick Default Filter: ----------- Unbekannt Barde Hauptmann Jäger Kundiger Schurke Wächter Waffenmeister Runenbewahrer Hüter Beorninger ----------- Schwere Rüstung Mittlere Rüstung Leichte Rüstung ----------- Raidgruppe 1. Runde Raidgruppe 2. Runde Raidgruppe Alle Runden Raidgruppe Nicht dabei Raidgruppe tmp Zeige inaktive Charaktere Zeige versteckte Charaktere Zeige Twinks LeaderboardLeaderboard auswählen: Default BardeLitmara0.00Riordan0.00 HauptmannPaladir0.00Aureah0.00 SchurkeLumfohil0.00Plinto0.00 WaffenmeisterBarohir0.00Farcho0.00Hailee0.00 RunenbewahrerJinja0.00 HüterZadda0.00 BeorningerVigbee0.00 Überblick Name Level Rang Status Klasse Typ Ereignisse: Annùminas: GlinghantAnnùminas: Ost ElendilAnnùminas: Haudh ValandilFornost: Wrath of WaterFornost: Wrath of EarthFornost: Wrath of FireFornost: Wrath of ShadowGreat Barrow: The MazeGreat Barrow: ThadúrGreat Barrow: SambrogHelegrod: Dragon WingHelegrod: Drake WingHelegrod: Giant WingHelegrod: Spider WingOther instances: Halls of NightsOther instances: Inn of the ForsakenOther instances: Library of Tham MírdainOther instances: School at Tham MírdainIsengard: The Tower of OrthancIsengard: The FoundryIsengard: Dargnákh UnleashedIsengard: Pits of IsengardIsengard: Fangorn's EdgeIsengard: Draigoch's LairLimlight Gorge: Roots of FangornSkirmish (defensive): Ford of BruinenSkirmish (defensive): Siege of GondamonSkirmish (defensive): Stand at Amon SúlSkirmish (defensive): Defence of The Prancing PonySkirmish (defensive): Protectors of ThangúlhadSkirmish (defensive): Battle of the Deep-WaySkirmish (defensive): Battle of the Way of SmithsSkirmish (defensive): Battle of the Twenty-first HallSkirmish (offensive): Trouble in TuckboroughSkirmish (offensive): Strike against DannanglorSkirmish (offensive): Breaching the Nocromancer's GateSkirmish (offensive): Assault on the Ringwraiths' LairSkirmish (offensive): The Battel in the TowerSkirmish (offensive): Thievery and MischiefSkirmish (offensive): Rescue in Núrz GháshuSkirmish (offensive): The Icy CrevasseSkirmish (offensive): Attack At DawnSkirmish (offensive): Storm on MethedrasSkirmish (survival): Barrow-downsAngmar: Carn DúmAngmar: UrugarthAngmar: Barad GularanAngmar: The Rift of Núrz GháshuDol Guldur: Barad GuldurDol Guldur: Sammath GúlDol Guldur: Warg-pens of Dol GuldurDol Guldur: Dungeons of Dol GuldurDol Guldur: Sword-hall of Dol GuldurGarth Agarwen: FortressGarth Agarwen: ArboretumGarth Agarwen: BarrowsIn Their Absence: Ost DunothIn Their Absence: Sári-SurmaIn Their Absence: Lost TempleIn Their Absence: The Northcotton FarmIn Their Absence: StoneheightLothlórien: Dár NarbugudLothlórien: Halls of CraftingLothlórien: The Mirror-halls of Lumul-narLothlórien: The Water Wheels: Nalá-dúmMoria: The Vile MawMoria: FilikulMoria: The Grand StairMoria: SkúmfílMoria: The Forges of Khazad-dúmMoria: Fil GashanMoria: Dark DelvingMoria: The Sixteenth HallMoria: The Forgotten TreasuryGoblins Town: Goblin-town Throne RoomSkirmish (12)Skirmish (6)Skirmish (3)Summer: Boss from the Vaults: ThrângSummer: The Perfect PicnicYule: Boss from the Vaults: StorvâgûnYule: The Battle of ForstbluffRoad to Erebor: Flight to Lonely MountainRoad to Erebor: Iorbar's PeakRoad to Erebor: Seat of the Great GoblinRoad to Erebor: The Battle for EreborRoad to Erebor: The Bell of DaleRoad to Erebor: The Fires of SmaugRoad to Erebor: Webs of the ScuttledellsEpic Battles: Helms DikeEpic Battles: Deeping WallEpic Battles: Deeping CoombEpic Battles: Glittering CavesEpic Battles: The HornburgEpic Battles: Retaking PelargirEpic Battles: The Defence of Minas TirithEpic Battles: Hammer of the UnderworldOsgiliath: Sunken LabyrinthOsgiliath: The Dome of StarsOsgiliath: The Ruined CityBattle of the Pelennor Fields: Blood of the Black SerpentBattle of the Pelennor Fields: The Quays of the HarlondBattle of the Pelennor Fields: The Silent StreetBattle of the Pelennor Fields: Throne of the Dread TerrorPlateau of Gorgoroth: The Court of SeregostPlateau of Gorgoroth: The Dungeons of NaerbandPlateau of Gorgoroth: The Abyss of MordathGrey Mountains: Caverns of ThrumfallGrey Mountains: GlimmerdeepGrey Mountains: Thikil-gundunGrey Mountains: The Anvild of WinterstithGladdenmere: The Depths of Kidzuhl-kâlahMinas Morgul: Eithl Gwaur, the Filth-wellMinas Morgul: Gath Daeroval, the Shadow-roostMinas Morgul: Gorthad Nûr, the Deep-barrowMinas Morgul: The Harrowing of MorgulMinas Morgul: Bâr Nírnaeth, the Houses of LamentationMinas Morgul: Ghashan-kútot, the Hall of Black LoreMinas Morgul: The Fallen KingsMinas Morgul: Remmorchant, the Net of DarknessWar of Three Peaks: Amdân Dammul, the Bloody ThresholdWar of Three Peaks: Shakalush, the Stair BattleOther instances: Askâd-mazal, the Chamber of ShadowsJUST4FUNMoria: Fall of Khazad-dûmDefault Jinja 130 Default Runenbewahrer Main 0.00 Paladir 130 Default Hauptmann Main 0.00 Farcho 130 Default Waffenmeister Main 0.00 Litmara 130 Default Barde Main 0.00 Barohir 130 Default Waffenmeister Main 0.00 Lumfohil 130 Default Schurke Main 0.00 Plinto 130 Default Schurke Main 0.00 Riordan 0 Default Barde Main 0.00 Aureah 0 Default Hauptmann Main 0.00 Zadda 130 Default Hüter Main 0.00 Hailee 130 Default Waffenmeister Main 0.00 Vigbee 130 Default Beorninger Main 0.00 ... 12 Einträge gefunden Vergleiche Charaktere